Deliciously Motivated Mindset - with Debz & Moira

Ep 228 - Are You Drained by Being a People Pleaser?

Moira & Debz Season 1 Episode 228

The dictionary definition of people pleaser is "a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires."

The underlying urge to make others happy and to be positively regarded is quite natural. We are social beings and part of that unspoken agreement is paying attention to others’ needs and feelings. Those who fall into the trap of people-pleasing tend to dive too deeply into the spirit of being in-tune with others’ needs.

Somewhere along the way, people pleasers decide that everyone else’s needs are more pressing than their own. They put themselves on the back burner in their own lives, and then end up feeling depleted, resentful, dissatisfied, and even depressed. We trust that our tips and ideas shared in this episode help you stand in your power, filling your cup to be of best service to those you are called upon to serve.

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